Sunday 16 October 2011

ken kindt Explains-Signworld Summary

Benefits of being a Signworld Owner

$185,000 Total Investment

Signworld Benefits:

• Light manufacturing
• No royalties
• No rules
• Tremendous support from corporate staff as well    as from the 240+ independent owners
• Business to business
• Weekday hours (9 to 5), weekends not required
• Repeat customer base (30 accounts produce 80% of sales)
• Start with just one employee
• Only one location
• 21 years in business
• Total investment = $185,000

Here’s what separates this business
from others: 

•Two year Sales and Marketing Coaching program
• Number one Business Opportunity in the sign business
• Ongoing Support without royalty payments
• Ability to own your own building

We are a “Business Opportunity”, not a “Franchise”

Both have a start-up package, training and ongoing support. A business opportunity charges an up front fee that is comparable to an up front franchise fee. There are no ongoing fees charged by our business opportunity. However, a franchise charges an ongoing monthly royalty. Therefore, our business opportunity offers you a huge dollar savings over time. Also, a business opportunity does not have the huge expenses of attorney’s fees and accounts receivable people to collect royalties and the supporting documentation. Attorneys and Collection people are the major ongoing expenses to a franchisor.

Most importantly, a business opportunity does not have any rules. A franchise has all kinds of rules and reporting requirements. The quality of ongoing support will vary widely. Our ongoing support is tremendous. Business opportunities are geared more for experienced business people who want to do things their own way but still have an organization to lean on for support from both the corporate staff and the owners as well.



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