Sunday 26 February 2012

Ken Kindt of Signworld Felicitates Don Conklin of Pinnacle Custom Signs for a Profitable 2011

Laguna Hills, CA – February 27, 2012 - Ken Kindt of Signworld, today felicitated Don and Theresa Conklin of Pinnacle Custom Signs for a successful 2011. Pinnacle Custom Signs is a Signworld operation in Buford, GA.

Ken Kindt, Signworld President says, "Don and Theresa had experienced early success as soon as they started their business. It is a marvelous achievement that they have had a successful year and have made huge profits. As per the Signworld business model, we typically show a ramp up period for new owners to hit their “cash-on-cash” break-even point within 6 months of opening their doors. Don and Theresa of Pinnacle Custom Signs had showed great knowledge and skill during our business orientation and training sessions. I and Jack Werner had extremely high expectations for their business in regards to the levels they would grow to on an annual basis, and they have proved us right. Congratulations to both Don and Theresa for this achievement."

In a recent seminar, Don Conklin of Pinnacle Custom Signs shared his experience and profitability over the last couple of months with Ken Kindt and Jack Werner from the corporate headquarters. Don had said, "We are happy to say that Pinnacle Custom Signs has been profitable in its 2nd month and we're right on track to be profitable in the coming months to break even. Our emphasis has been to push ourselves forward and book more business for the coming months. I thank, Ken Kindt and Jack Werner and the whole management of Signworld for their constant support. Signworld business coaching and advice has been of great help. For me and Theresa, the next milestone is to book enough monthly for Theresa also so that she can quit her current job and join  Pinnacle Custom Signs full-time."

Ken Kindt said, "Pinnacle Custom Signs is a leading example of all our business owners on how to make full profit from sign business within a short span of time. Don, Theresa and their son Matt have lead by example and shown that if you effectively utilize the coaching and training provided by Signworld, then you can maximize your potential and experience success right out of the gate. It is commendable on part of Don and Theresa and I thank them for setting this example for all our upcoming Signworld owners, who can gain a lot from the experience of Don and Theresa."

Jack Werner, Signworld Vice President, was all praise for Don and Theresa, "When Don joined the Signworld family, it was evident to me and Ken that he will do wonders in this business. I am really happy for the stupendous progress Don has made and would like to congratulate the whole team at Pinnacle Custom Signs for this achievement."

About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at

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