Monday 27 February 2012

Sunday 26 February 2012

Ken Kindt Signworld - Mission City & Murphy's Signs from Signworld

Ken Kindt Signworld - Mission City & Murphy's Signs from Signworld

Ken Kindt of Signworld Felicitates Don Conklin of Pinnacle Custom Signs for a Profitable 2011

Laguna Hills, CA – February 27, 2012 - Ken Kindt of Signworld, today felicitated Don and Theresa Conklin of Pinnacle Custom Signs for a successful 2011. Pinnacle Custom Signs is a Signworld operation in Buford, GA.

Ken Kindt, Signworld President says, "Don and Theresa had experienced early success as soon as they started their business. It is a marvelous achievement that they have had a successful year and have made huge profits. As per the Signworld business model, we typically show a ramp up period for new owners to hit their “cash-on-cash” break-even point within 6 months of opening their doors. Don and Theresa of Pinnacle Custom Signs had showed great knowledge and skill during our business orientation and training sessions. I and Jack Werner had extremely high expectations for their business in regards to the levels they would grow to on an annual basis, and they have proved us right. Congratulations to both Don and Theresa for this achievement."

In a recent seminar, Don Conklin of Pinnacle Custom Signs shared his experience and profitability over the last couple of months with Ken Kindt and Jack Werner from the corporate headquarters. Don had said, "We are happy to say that Pinnacle Custom Signs has been profitable in its 2nd month and we're right on track to be profitable in the coming months to break even. Our emphasis has been to push ourselves forward and book more business for the coming months. I thank, Ken Kindt and Jack Werner and the whole management of Signworld for their constant support. Signworld business coaching and advice has been of great help. For me and Theresa, the next milestone is to book enough monthly for Theresa also so that she can quit her current job and join  Pinnacle Custom Signs full-time."

Ken Kindt said, "Pinnacle Custom Signs is a leading example of all our business owners on how to make full profit from sign business within a short span of time. Don, Theresa and their son Matt have lead by example and shown that if you effectively utilize the coaching and training provided by Signworld, then you can maximize your potential and experience success right out of the gate. It is commendable on part of Don and Theresa and I thank them for setting this example for all our upcoming Signworld owners, who can gain a lot from the experience of Don and Theresa."

Jack Werner, Signworld Vice President, was all praise for Don and Theresa, "When Don joined the Signworld family, it was evident to me and Ken that he will do wonders in this business. I am really happy for the stupendous progress Don has made and would like to congratulate the whole team at Pinnacle Custom Signs for this achievement."

About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at

Friday 24 February 2012

Ken Kindt Signworld - Exterior and Interior Signs from Signworld

Are you aware of the impact signs have on your daily life?

Are you like most people who don’t really pay attention to the impact that signage has on our daily lives?  The fact of the matter is that signage has a huge impact on just about everything we do in our daily routine and without signs we’d have chaos.  Signs help us get to where we need to go.  In certain cases they tell us what to do.  They tell us what is available to us and compel us to buy stuff.  You would probably be surprised to know that the sign industry is a multi-billion dollar industry where billions of signs are produced every year!

Take a look around you right now…  There is a good chance that in the small area surrounding you, that you’ll find at least five items with logos or lettering on it.  Well, those items are considered signs.  Now, think about the last time you grabbed a bite to eat at the local fast food restaurant…  As you drove into the parking lot you were probably bombarded with signage, from the marquee or monument sign and illuminated letters on the building that featured the restaurants brand identity, to the windows that were plastered with with printed graphics of the newest burger or salad.  Let’s not forget about all of the parking lot signage that include handicapped signs for designated parking stalls as well as the signs that tell you where to go for the drive-thru. From that one building alone you were impacted by anywhere from 10-20 signs before you even stepped foot inside.  If there were 10-20 signs on the outside, what we’ll call the “bait”, you can only imagine the sign opportunity on the inside to get you on the “hook”.

The common misconception is that large companies produce their own signage.  The reality is that they don’t.  The main reason that they don’t produce there own signage is because that is not their expertise nor is it in their comfort zone.  Companies large and small rely on sign companies everyday to help spread their message through signage.  Signworld and it’s 256 sign companies nationwide have been working hard with both small and large businesses to help them increase their revenues by maximizing their advertising space and promoting each companies message through signage.

The possibilities for signage are endless and the collective need for signage is continually growing.  Ken Kindt, Jack Werner and the Signworld team has been a part of the sign industry and its growth for 24 years.

Iconic Signage And It’s Place In The Modern Day Sign Arena

Most of you, but not all of you, either aren’t old enough to have gone to a baseball game in the 30’s or a Johnny Cash concert in the late 50’s, or, you don’t live close enough to the home of one of the largest music scenes in Nashville, TN, to have seen or even know what a Hatch Show Print is.  But, Hatch Show Prints, a printing icon in Nashville was founded in 1879 and has been producing event posters that have captured the imagination with their simplistic design and old school look.

The technology used at this Nashville-based printing house has never changed, only the faces of the customers: from Elvis Presley to Elvis Costello, Johnny Cash to Bruce Springsteen, Etta James to Kid Rock, the Carter Family to Taylor Swift, and many others. While Hatch Show Prints’ name is synonymous with the music business, its posters promoting football and baseball games, state fairs, stock car races, and picture shows reflect the originality of American Pop Culture.

Like all other forms of art, the posters and signs of Hatch Show Print are designed to make us stop, admire and enjoy the originality put into each print.  Most signs today are meant to capture your imagination, entice your senses and compel you to purchase something that is going to make you a better person or happier.   But Hatch Show Prints are loaded with snappy graphics, punchy titles, humor and irony.   It’s ultimately what makes them irresistible.  Hatch Show Prints, is still a working letterpress and design shop, creating posters today using the same letterpress methods as yesterday.

Sign companies of today, utilizing modern technology are able to duplicate the iconic look created by Hatch Show Prints and bring an old-school flavor to modern day signage.  Whether your future customers are an ice cream stand, a concert hall or any event company utilizing promotional advertising, Hatch-style printed signage is sure to capture the imagination of their existing customer-base and more importantly attract new customers who will be drawn to its Pop Culture based appearance.

The Power of Signage

Signs can be informative, they can be direct, they can be humorous and they can be fun.  Signage in any fashion is meant to capture your attention, make you think about the message being portrayed and ultimately make a snap decision upon viewing it.  In a culture where first impressions are everything, it is more and more important for businesses that their signage is portraying the correct message in a creative way that will create a favorable emotion for the viewer.

 For any company out there, their signage is necessary for their success, and most companies today can attribute a great deal of their sales to their business signage.  In fact, the fast food industry can attribute as much as 40% of impulse buys to their on-site signage according to a study done by Burger King.   Business signage, when compared to other forms of advertising, also offers the lowest cost-per-impression.  In a study done by Signtronix, a large sign manufacturing company based in California, they determined that on-site business signage costs as little as a few pennies per 1,000 adult exposures, which ultimately leads to a long-term awareness of a business as well as stimulates a repeat or brand-loyal customer.

For the past 24 years, Signworld has been helping its family of sign companies find ways to assist their customers with new and imaginative signage that not only draws in new customers, but also enhances the aesthetic appearance of the environment in which they have been placed.  With this approach, Signworld operations around the world have been not only creating their own brand-loyal customers, but have also helped their customers update their image, refresh their signage and increase their pool of brand-loyal customers.

Signs Come In All Shapes, Sizes and Forms

Signs come in all shapes, sizes and forms.  Signage is defined as a graphic design, a symbol, emblem, or words, used especially for identification or as a means of giving directions or warning.  So, technically anything with a letters or a logo is deemed a sign.  That means your TV, t-shirt, car, watch, tools, etc. could all be considered signs.

Signs can be as elaborate at the high-definition LED billboards you see driving down the highway, as simple as a printed graphics on a pen, as practical as banner or as mobile as a vehicle wrap.

Unlike most of its competitors in the sign industry, Signworld and its 250+ sign companies have cornered the market on being the one-stop-shop when it comes to any signage need.  Although the Signworld business model is primarily built around producing printed signage like vehicle wraps, wallpaper, banners and business signage, Signworld has always promoted the sale of goods that cannot be produced with standard printed sign making equipment.  Signworld and its owner group continue to find new and innovative opportunities for signage.  From embroidered apparel and promotional items like t-shirts, pens, coffee cups and awards, to large custom fabricated items like awnings, channel letters, monuments and LED message center.  Through a reliable supplier network that has been put together by the Signworld Corporate staff, the customers of our Signworld Owners can rest assured that their project is going to be completed on time and on budget regardless of the production process.

Also, unlike many of Signworld’s competitors in the sign franchise world, Signworld does not restrict its owner group from growing their business outside of the printed signage world, in fact they encourage it!  Signworld Owners continue to grow their businesses based on their marketing trends and niche markets.  Signworld Owners throughout the years have added engravers, direct to garment printers, sign fabrication machinery as well as installation equipment to be the everything provider for the customers.

Retraining your perception of awnings from functional to a marketing opportunity

Have you ever looked at an awning and said to yourself, “there is a great opportunity to extend the message of this business…”  If you are like most people, you only look at awnings for their functional purpose.  Homeowners utilize them for curb appeal and to shade windows from the hot sun, and up until a few years ago, most businesses utilized them for the same reason.  But today, more and more businesses are looking for a way to extend their message through additional avenues.  Awnings are the perfect solution.

Signworld Review - Signs Panera BreadThere’s no doubt that awnings add to distinctive curb appeal and serve a functional purpose in eliminating direct sunlight.  But more importantly, awnings, like signs play an important and fundamental role in successful business branding.  Unlike signs though, awnings are symbols not messages.  Think about what a message is, it’s specific information that contains very little emotion.  However a symbol, or image, is a great way of projecting and marketing an emotional response and connection with the consumer.  How do you emotionally react when you see the Nike Swoosh, the Olympic Rings, the UPS shield and the McDonald’s arches?

Innovative awnings are essential to extending the marketing of a business.  If the awnings are profound enough to be noticed and remembered, but not so overly obnoxious that they might create a negative reaction, you’re customers will have a long-term positive emotion tied to your brand.  The keys to building a lasting branding opportunity through awnings and setting the tone for the brand revolve around the selection of the colors, fabrics, lettering, logos and overall design of the awnings.

Signworld Review - Weber GrillCompanies who are looking to implement awnings into their marketing efforts need to work with a sign company that is going to address the needs of the entire business not just the needed awnings.  A good sign company will look at the entire picture to ensure that the aesthetic needs of the awnings are synchronized with the brand identity of the company and that the direction of the branding fits with the company’s mission and focus.  A good sign company or awning provider will also make suggestions based on case studies of awnings to maximize the potential of the marketing opportunity.

Signworld Owners have been assisting their customers with their awning needs for the past 24 years.  As a part of each Signworld Owners initial and ongoing training, they are taught about the power of brand marketing and the areas in which they can maximize their customers branding power.  Through an amazing team of wholesale awning vendors, Signworld Owners have helped their customers create the right awning at the right price.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Ken Kindt Discusses About Starting Sign Business with Signworld

Ken Kindt of Signworld says that Sign business is a fun business. Ken Kindt says that all Signworld owners are people who wanted to do something that was more than what they were doing at that time and that is why they opted for Sign business

Ken Kindt of Signworld Attends Annual Convention of The Entrepreneur Source

Laguna Hills, CA – February 23, 2012- President & founder of Signworld, Ken Kindt attended The Entrepreneur Source annual convention. The Entrepreneur's Source offers a more organized and user-friendly approach of exploring business ownership.
During the annual convention, Ken Kindt was there to explain the TES coaches about Signworld opportunities. He gave them each & every detail regarding the culture of Signworld. He let all the coaches to know about the recent technology they are working on.
According to Ken Kindt “We value our partnership with TES. They have introduced us with many business owners, who aim to take the Signworld as their business. The Entrepreneur Source provides education, coaching and resources to individuals who desire to achieve their dream of becoming self-sufficient through business ownership. They help business owners boost their bottom line. Terry Powell, President and Founder of TES, has put together a great organization that continues to nurture and get better each and every year.”
Ken Kindt explained the procedure of hiring a new franchise owner to the Signworld business, “The Entrepreneur Source helps us in finding a good franchise owner. Firstly, a person approaches The Entrepreneur Source for building their rewarding careers, taking control of their lives and creating financial freedom. Then the person is referred to Signworld.”
 “For those that want to own their own business, we provide a time tested process and accountability. Together we identify the person’s Investment tolerances. Then they get the training, to know more about the graphic Designs and the Signage business. Lastly they are provided a territory of their own choice to start their new business. The new business owners are allowed to select the name according to their choice.” added Ken Kindt of Signworld.
Ken Kindt said, “The new business owners are allowed to share their toughest problems and make them work with their coach and the team of other Signworld Owners to find solutions and fix them. They are also provided the facility to experience the added benefit of Signworld’s over 24 years of experience to guide them along the way. They are connected to the extranet to share the problems they face while working with the Signworld.”
About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Ken Kindt Talks about Signworld Business Ownership

Ken Kindt of Signworld talks about Signworld business ownership. Ken Kindt says that their business owners include truck drivers, school teachers, nurses and ex-business executives.

Ken Kindt Talks about Signworld Business & Members

Ken Kindt of Signworld talks about Signworld business and its members. Ken Kindt says that Signworld currently has 255 Signworld owners and Signworld has been in Sign business for over 24 years.

Ken Kindt Discusses About Signworld Technological Technical Package

Ken Kindt of Signworld talks about Signworld technological technical pacakage. Ken Kindt says that with the Signworld package all owners get full technological and technical support from Signworld management.

Ken Kindt Discusses Use of Perfect Colors

Ken Kindt of Signworld discusses use of perfect colors for signs. Ken Kindt says that the colors should be perfect no matter whether they are used on the side of a truck or a banner or a paper post.

Ken Kindt of Signworld felicitates Marietta Signs for 2011 Large-Format Printer of The Year Award

Laguna Hills, CA – February 21, 2012- Founder & President of Signworld, Ken Kindt appreciated Louis Deluca and his team at Marietta Signs, a Signworld operation in Marietta, GA for winning Large-Format Printer of The Year Award & setting new record in making outstanding print products.
Large-Format Printer of the year awards honor the development of technologies predicted to have a major impact on the graphic communications and also to recognize graphic arts companies for their outstanding print products. The judges carefully examine every entry for superiority in manufacturing and quality.
On behalf of Signworld family, Ken Kindt said, “I would like to congratulate Louis Deluca and his team at Marietta Signs for winning Large-Format Printer of the year award by the Printing & Imaging Association of Georgia. Winning this award will not only reinforce their existing customers' high opinion of the company but also establish a higher level of expectations from future customers. Being in graphics design industry for many years Louis continues to share his knowledge and passion with his peers.”

“We represent and support Georgia's large printing and imaging community and we promote print as a medium because it is a smart and natural choice for effective communications.” said Tim Taylor, PIAG President “More than 80-percent of the Companies honored by this award have experienced commercial success in the marketplace. Recipients are chosen by an independent panel of judges made up of experienced print professionals with expertise in a variety of areas. I appreciate this year’s winner for their stupendous print.”

Louis Deluca said, “Our Company has grown and evolved over the years to nurture our graphic designs as they've embraced change in the industry, and we're excited to look back and explore our rich history. Winning this award means that our attention to detail and our high quality of workmanship has been recognized. We are very excited to win this award. This award is the outcome of whatever we had done these years. We always work hard to give the best to our customers.”

“Marietta Signs has been making steady process and has won many accolades in the past also. We wish the team at Marietta Signs all the very best for all their future endeavors,” said Ken Kindt.

To know more about Marietta Signs designs & prints, feel free to visit Marietta Signs.

About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Ken Kindt of Signworld Discloses the Names of Guest Speakers for 2012 Convention

Laguna Hills, CA – February 13, 2012- President & Founder of Signworld, Ken Kindt disseminated the names of guest speakers for this year Signworld Convention. The names include Dennis Grundy, Mitch Evans and Jim Trunick.
Ken Kindt of Signworld said, “The 2012 Convention and Trade Show will have the Company’s best interactive session, hands-on educational event, featuring all the industry's best and brightest. We have chosen Dennis Grundy, Mitch Evans and Jim Trunick to share the knowledge they have acquired till today, all of them have deep knowledge in their respective fields. They are well renowned people coming from different walks of life. I am thankful to them for accepting the invitation to attend the 2012 convention & tradeshow.”
Dennis Grundy, former owner of Signs Unlimited, a Signworld operation in San Jose, CA is well experienced business broker. He knows the finest detail about this business, and was excited to be the part of this year’s convention. He would be sharing his experiences; he has met with, during his journey with sign business.
Mitch Evans has command over sign works & businesses. He has accepted to be a part of 2012 convention. He will be discussing the most up-to-date information and useful tools to help distance the Signworld from the competition and will provide the education and opportunities that one needs to grow their business. He will also discuss on various other topics of sales, marketing, staff management as well as industry trends.
Jim Trunick is the Senior Director of Sales with one of the fastest growing health care companies in America. He will share his great Knowledge in sales & marketing. Jim has got various certification & awards from various business leaders throughout the world.
Jim is experienced of tackling such conventions. His program is always packed with energy & motivational thoughts. He always helps others to find the right direction on the journey of their success. His fun loving nature provokes attendees to fully involve in the convention.
“Convention & Trade show event is a unique opportunity for manufacturers, distributors, technicians and business leaders to network and shape the future of Signworld. We look forward to meeting all the Signworld owners in the Convention,” said Ken Kindt.
About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at