Thursday 15 December 2011

Ken Kindt of Signworld Conducts Webinar on Signworld Business Model

Laguna Hills, CA – December 12, 2011 -  Ken Kindt, President and Founder of Signworld, and Jack Werner, Vice President of Signworld, recently held a public webinar for those interested in learning more about the Signworld business model.  Ken and Jack were joined by Larry Foster, Bob McEwen and Don Conklin, Signworld owners from Michigan, North Carolina and Georgia respectively.

The Signworld Webinars typically last for an hour to an hour and a half.  Ken Kindt and Jack Werner begin the webinar by providing short introductions of the Signworld Owners panel, which changes every month, and then give a short presentation on the Signworld business model, our marketing plan and some differentiators that set us apart not only from our counterparts in the sign industry but also our counterparts in the franchising world.  Once the presentation is complete, questions are then taken and addressed by the panel to help give those in attendance a well rounded answer.  Ken will address the question from the corporate aspect, what Signworld teaches you in training, Jack Werner, will answer from his previous Signworld ownership experience, and the Owner’s panel will answer from their varying years of experience. 

On this particular webinar, an attendee asked how difficult it was in finding their first employee.  Don Conklin, a Signworld Owner from Buford, GA who has recently opened his doors and the most current experience with this question responded by saying, “ We virtually had no trouble at all in finding our first employee.  We posted an ad on Craig’s List, met with a few of the local delivery drivers, talked with local sign supply distributors and a few local Signworld operations.  Within a week or so we had 55 resumes on our desk to sift through.  From the 55, 10 met our qualifications.  From those 10, three could have easily been a perfect fit, but ultimately we only needed one.  We hired our first employee two weeks before our ‘soft opening’ and have not looked back.  He is great at what he does and we look forward to him being a big piece of our company in the future.”

Jack Werner answered as well by saying, “Signworld will help you through the process of finding your first and future employees.  Unfortunately,  you don’t know what makes a good sign-maker, but what you do know is what makes a good employee and the characteristics that are a good fit with you.  Once you have narrowed it down to a few candidates, we will jump in and assist in the interview process to make sure that your potential employee has the skill set to be an asset to your company.”

About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at

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