Tuesday 29 November 2011

Ken Kindt of Signworld Congratulates Rich Aries Signworld’s Real Estate Advisor

Laguna Hills, CA – November 17, 2011 –Ken Kindt, President and Founder of Signworld, and Jack Werner, Vice President of Signworld, would like to congratulate and thank Rich Aries, Signworld’s Real Estate Advisor, for 20 years of service with the Signworld family.

“Rich Aries, who has been a real estate attorney for well over 35 years, has worked hand in hand with Signworld owners through the years helping them find not only the right location for their business but also negotiating leases that have not only included covered build-out but also free months of rent.” said Ken Kindt.

Rich begins his process with each owner, new to the organization and existing, investigating the local real estate scene as well as the potential growth needs based on the individuals current business levels as well as their future projections.  Rich will also take the owners product offerings into account to ensure that work flow will be at an optimum level.  After selecting a number of locations that offer the best facility for the best price, he will have the owner do walkthroughs to get their feedback and ultimate decision on where they would like to locate their business.  After the selection process has been complete, Rich begins the lease negotiation process and finds opportunities to lower the cost of rent, cost of tenant improvements, term of the lease and the potential for a few months of free rent.

Ken Kindt says of Rich Aries, “We have thoroughly enjoyed our relationship with Rich Aries over the years and look forward to many more years of valuable service.  He has negotiated nearly 400 leases over the last 20 years and has always done an amazing job advocating for every Signworld Owner.  He is truly a professional and we are glad he is on our team.  We at Signworld are so proud of him and the effort he puts into each negotiation.  It no longer amazes us that during his introduction at each Signworld Annual Convention, he receives a standing ovation from the owners in attendance.  We look forward to our longstanding partnership to continue for years to come

About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at www.signworld.org

Monday 28 November 2011

Ken Kindt Signworld Discusses Protected Territory

Ken Kindt of Signworld talks about protected territory feature in Signworld package. Ken Kindt says that when you join continous cluster of zip codes that contains 3000 business information

Ken Kind talks about Signworld Business Strategy & Goals

Laguna Hills, CA – November 17, 2011 – Ken Kindt of Signworld today talked about Signworld business strategy and goals. Signworld has always built itself around the idea of building equity in your individual business.  The amount of equity you build within a business is based on a few factors; what industry is the business in, is there a repeat customer base or need for the product and assets attached to the business.  The most important piece to that equity build within the business is real estate. 

Ken Kindt says, “We encourage our owners to save money within the business over term of their first building lease and evaluate their financial situation after 3-5 years of being in business to determine whether or not they are able to buy the next facility they will soon work out of.” 
The typical Signworld owner will start their business in roughly 1800 sq. ft. of leased space in a light industrial area or business park.  The rent they will pay is dependent upon the area in which they will place their business, but most will fall in the range of 0.75¢ to $1.25 a square foot on a monthly basis.  This facility will typically be on a three year lease and will be more than enough space for that new owner to occupy for the first two to three years. 

“As the business grows, so does their need for additional equipment to handle the workload as well as additional employees to operate the new equipment.  At this point a Signworld owner will begin the search for their next facility, one that is larger and preferably much more cost effective.  That is where the purchase of a building comes into play.  Most Signworld Owners will tell you that at the time they were ready to buy a building for their next facility, they were amazed that they were able to find a larger facility than their previous rented facility for a lower monthly payment.” says Jack Warner, VP of Signworld.

Emphasizing on the need to own a business, Ken Kindt said, “Most of us are fortunate to own or have owned a home at some point in our life.  Why did we go through the process of buying a home and dealing with the occasional headaches of being a homeowner?  It is because it is a great way to build wealth, you are no longer paying rent for something you will never have access to long after your useful life with that property has come and gone.  We believe the same thing holds true in business.”

“We encourage our business owner to eventually buy the building they are going to work out of.  Larry Foster of Signs & More in Detroit, MI will tell you that his mortgage payment for his 8000 square foot building is 60% of what his previous rent payment was in a smaller facility that only measured out to 5000 square feet.  The opportunities to own real estate are endless and there are not many franchise concepts that allow their owners to buy the building they work in, our mission over the last 24 years has been to encourage that opportunity and truly help our independent owners build their future and more importantly an equity based exit strategy for their retirement.” says Ken Kindt.

About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at www.signworld.org

Sunday 27 November 2011

Ken Kindt Talks about Website and Internet Marketing Training

Ken Kindt of Signworld talks about website and internet marketing training as a part of Signworld business training. Ken Kindt says that 50% of sign business comes from website and internet marketing.

Friday 25 November 2011

Ken Kindt of Signworld Congratulates Signworld Real Estate Advisor Rich Aries

Laguna Hills, CA – November 17, 2011 –Ken Kindt, President and Founder of Signworld, and Jack Werner, Vice President of Signworld, would like to congratulate and thank Rich Aries, Signworld’s Real Estate Advisor, for 20 years of service with the Signworld family.

Rich Aries, who has been a real estate attorney for well over 35 years, has worked hand in hand with Signworld owners through the years helping them find not only the right location for their business but also negotiating leases that have not only included covered build-out but also free months of rent.

Ken Kindt says, “Rich begins his process with each owner, new to the organization and existing, investigating the local real estate scene as well as the potential growth needs based on the individuals current business levels as well as their future projections.  Rich will also take the owners product offerings into account to ensure that work flow will be at an optimum level.”

“ After selecting a number of locations that offer the best facility for the best price, he will have the owner do walkthroughs to get their feedback and ultimate decision on where they would like to locate their business.  After the selection process has been complete, Rich begins the lease negotiation process and finds opportunities to lower the cost of rent, cost of tenant improvements, term of the lease and the potential for a few months of free rent.”, added Ken Kindt.

Ken Kindt says of Rich Aries, “We have thoroughly enjoyed our relationship with Rich Aries over the years and look forward to many more years of valuable service.  He has negotiated nearly 400 leases over the last 20 years and has always done an amazing job advocating for every Signworld Owner.  He is truly a professional and we are glad he is on our team.  We at Signworld are so proud of him and the effort he puts into each negotiation.  It no longer amazes us that during his introduction at each Signworld Annual Convention, he receives a standing ovation from the owners in attendance.  We look forward to our longstanding partnership to continue for years to come

About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at www.signworld.org

Ken Kindt of Signworld Discusses about Ongoing Sales & Marketing Classes

Ken Kindt, President of Signworld discusses about ongoing Monday morning sales and marketing coaching classes. Ken Kindt says that these classes are available to all new owners for first two years.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Ken Kindt of Signworld Talks about Signworld Annual Convention

Ken Kindt, President of Signworld talks about Signworld Annual Conventione. Ken Kindt says that it is a 3 day convention held at Las Vegas every year for all owners and suppliers.

Monday 21 November 2011

// Home Ken Kindt of Signworld Introduces New Signworld Location in Phoenix, AZ

Laguna Hills, CA – November 16, 2011 - Ken Kindt, President and Founder of Signworld, and Jack Warner, Vice President of Signworld, would like to announce the addition of Tim Wyse, Owner of Design Phoenix Signs and Graphics, a new Signworld location in Phoenix, AZ to the Signworld family
Ken Kindt of Signworld said, “After spending 30 years as a technical training manager for Honeywell, Tim ran into a situation that many have faced over the past 36 months.  One day, Tim walked into work and found out that he had a new immediate boss with a completely different, in-your-face approach than what had previously been the norm.”  Tim’s boss didn’t see eye-to-eye with Tim’s training procedures that had proved to be successful since he took the position within the company 12 years earlier.  Soon after the entrance of Tim’s new boss, Tim found the exit after 30 years of loyal service.

Tim decided at that point that he no longer had the desire to work for someone else and allow them to determine his future.  “Corporate life in a global conglomerate had become a nearly 24-hour-extreme-stress-with-not-much-upside meat grinder. I had an opportunity to escape that and become my own boss and I jumped at it. The kicker for me was being able to access my 401K without tax penalty to fund my startup -- I no longer have to worry about Greece's financial problems directly affecting my financial future...” Tim said.

Tim grabbed his laptop and began searching the internet for business opportunities and franchise organizations that would be able to help him achieve his goals.  He soon came across the website for Frannet, a franchise broker group that represents numerous franchise companies, and was introduced to Harriet Moser.  Harriet helped Tim determine his goals and what he wanted his future to look like and found that Signworld would be a great fit, “Tim had the skill set to lead a company, the passion to own his own business and the desire to succeed.  After meeting with Tim a few times and truly understanding what he wanted his future to look like, I knew that Signworld was the right opportunity for him.

“I believe strongly that Tim will succeed with Signworld because of their turn-key business solution that allows individuals like Tim to utilize their skills from previous employment and generate an atmosphere that is unique to the individual rather than having to look and feel like everyone else in the organization, while receiving on-going support and training that will keep Tim on the forefront of the industry and steps ahead of his competition.” says Ken Kindt.

Ken Kindt says of Tim, “We’re excited to have Tim as a new owner in our organization.  Tim has the heart of a leader and will be a great asset to the Signworld family and the owner assisted support network.  We look forward to working hard with him to achieve his goals and secure his future through a successful business.”

About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at www.signworld.org

Ken Kindt of Signworld Explains Online Technical Support for Signworld Owners

Thursday 17 November 2011

Ken Kindt Signworld Ken Kindt Explains about 5 days on Job Training

Ken Kindt Signworld Ken Kindt Explains About Operational Training

Ken Kindt Signworld Ken Kindt Explains On site training at one's Own Location

Ken Kindt Signworld Ken Kindt Speaks About Suppliers Discount

Ken Kindt of Signworld Explains About Training and Ongoing Support

Ken Kindt & Jack Warner of Signworld Congratulate Sign Distinction

Laguna Hills, CA – November 11, 2011 -  Ken Kindt, President and Founder of Signworld, and Jack Warner, Vice President of Signworld, would like to recognize Pete and Tobee Jackson of Sign Distinction, a Signworld location in San Diego, CA for their recent philanthropy with the Wounded Warrior Project.

Pete and Tobee, who were recently awarded with a project to complete all of the signage for the Quicken Loans Carrier Classic on the USS Carl Vinson, were told that The Wounded Warrior Project would be a part of the festivities aboard the USS Carl Vinson on Veterans Day. 

When asked about this recent project of Sign Distinction, Ken Kindt said, “They were determined to find a way to give back to a cause that they believed so deeply in.”

 “The men and women of the Armed Forces put their life on the line each and every day.  They fight for our ability as civilians to live free, and all of us at Sign Distinction can’t begin to express our gratitude for their services and how proud we are of each and every soldier.” added Ken Kindt.

 “At this years Carrier Classic we look forward to giving something back to a soldier who put their life on the line and was ultimately injured while on the front lines.  During a second-half timeout, we will be awarding that soldier with a canvas family portrait print, a family portrait I’m sure will hang above their mantel for years to come.” said Pete Jackson.

“Pete and Tobee, are one of our most creative owners in the San Diego region. This recent philanthropy with the Wounded Warrior Project, adds a lot of value to their profile as well as enhances the goodwill of the whole Signworld Family.” said Jack Warner, VP of Signworld.

Praising the work of Sign Distinction, Ken Kindt said, “The success of Signworld independent owners is in recent past is truly amazing and a testament to the strength of the business model and their passion for the business. Pete and Tobee have been a part of the Signworld family for a long time now and it's heartening to see them progress and create their niche in this industry.”

This year’s Quicken Loans Carrier Classic will be held aboard the USS Carl Vinson in San Diego, CA and will be shown live on ESPN at 4:00 p.m. PST.

About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at www.signworld.org

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Ken Kindt of Signworld Congratulates Pete and Tobee Jackson of Sign Distinction

Laguna Hills, CA – November 10, 2011 -  Ken Kindt, President and Founder of Signworld, and Jack Warner, Vice President of Signworld, would like to recognize and congratulate Pete and Tobee Jackson of Sign Distinction, a Signworld location in San Diego, CA who recently were named the sign provider for the Quicken Loans Carrier Classic.

Pete and Tobee, who had recently opened the doors to their new sign company, quickly began marketing their new sign company to all of their friends, family members and acquaintances in the business community.  They were recently introduced to the marketing coordinator for the Quicken Loans Carrier Classic, which is a NCAA College Basketball game played on Veterans Day each year on the deck of a chosen aircraft carrier.  This years game will be held on the USS Carl Vinson in San Diego and will be attended by members of the armed forces and Barack Obama, the President of the United States. 

On being asked about how the inclusion of Pete and Tobee Jackson will enhance the Signworld family, Ken Kindt said, “Upon being chosen to produce all of the signage including all corporate sponsor signs, courtside banners, directional signage and all other ancillary event signage, they quickly contacted Hewlett-Packard, one of Signworld’s valued business partners to assist them with co-sponsored material.”

 “Pete and Tobee also had to figure out how they were going to fulfill an additional request from the event coordinators in which all signs need to be flipped at half-time to only showcase the main sponsor, State Farm, efficiently.” added Ken Kindt.  Pete said of how they were going to accomplish the feat, “You’ll just have to tune into the game on ESPN at 4:00 p.m. PST to see the magic on the small screen!”

“We are glad to have Pete and Tobee Jackson as a part of Signworld family. Their presence in the San Diego region will bring in a lot of quality and commitment to customers looking for signs around this region”, said Jack Warner, VP of Signworld.

“The Sign Distinction team is rightly rewarded with this deal. It is a great achievement on their part. We appreciate their work and wish them luck on all their future prospects”, said a visibly pleased Ken Kindt.

About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at www.signworld.org

Tuesday 15 November 2011


Ken Kindt of Signworld Explains How to deal with High Profile Clients

Ken Kindt Signworld - What separates Signworld from other Sign Businesses

Ken Kindt Signworld - Ongoing Weekly Coaching for Sales and Marketing

Ken Kindt Signworld - Continuous Ongoing Support for Signworld Business Owners

Ken Kindt Signworld - Own your Own Sign Business Building

Monday 14 November 2011

Ken Kindt Signworld - Discusses about the Past and Future of Signworld

Ken Kindt Provides Details of $185, 000 Signworld Investment Package

Ken Kindt Provides Details of $145, 000 Signworld Investment Package

Ken Kindt Provides Details of $145, 000 Package Ongoing Support

Ken Kindt Provides Details of $20, 000 Startup Expenses

Ken Kindt Signworld - $20, 000 Startup Expenses for 185 Package

Ken Kindt Signworld - Video on Site Selection Process & Lease Negotiation

Ken Kindt & Jack Warner Introduce New Signworld Owner in Westminster, CO

Laguna Hills, CA – November 9, 2011 -  Ken Kindt, President and Founder of Signworld, and Jack Werner, Vice President of Signworld, would like to recognize and congratulate Michael and Stacey Wilson, owners of Reflections Signs & Graphics, a new Signworld location in Westminster, CO. 

“We are proud to announce a new Signworld location in Westminster, CO. In the recent past we had been planning to open new locations in Westminster but were looking for the right candidates who would add value to the high quality services that Signworld is famous for. We are glad to have Michael and Stacey as a part of our ever growing Signworld family”, said Ken Kindt, President of Signworld.

Michael and Stacey officially opened the doors of their custom commercial sign manufacturing company on Tuesday, November 8, two weeks ahead of schedule.  Ken Kindt and Jack Werner from Signworld are excited for their bright future and the success that is in store for Michael and Stacey.

On a recent coaching conference call Stacey had commented on how surprised she was in regards to the need for signage in her local area, and even more surprised about the need for signage amongst her friends, family and colleagues from her’s and Michael’s previous employment life.  Stacey said, “Part of the reason we are opening our doors earlier than expected is because of the need that has been expressed to us from those that we are in close contact with.  We haven’t launched our website yet nor have we really marketed our services as we had planned prior to opening, but we have received a few early orders just by telling people about our new business.” 

Discussing about their future prospects with Ken Kindt, President and Jack Warner, VP of Signworld, Stacey said, “I’m finding that if you tell people what you do in a passionate and enthusiastic manner, they get excited about what you do and trust that you are the right person/company to be their sign provider. We are definitely not experts, but we are passionate about our new business and its potential, and the customers we are talking to see that passion and know we’ll get the job done.”

About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at www.signworld.org

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Ken Kindt & Jack Warner Congratulate Pinnacle Custom Signs for New Acquisition

Laguna Hills, CA – November 7, 2011 -  Ken Kindt, President and Founder of Signworld, and Jack Warner, Vice President of Signworld, would like to congratulate Don and Theresa Conklin of Pinnacle Custom Signs, a new Signworld operation in Buford, GA for the recent acquisition of a customer that could very well be one of their top customers in the future. 

When asked about the details of this acquisition done by Pinnacle Custom Signs, Ken Kindt said, “Don and Theresa’s new customer is in the heating and air conditioning business and recently needed their fleet of eight vans wrapped with exciting new graphics that really represented the company much better than the previously unnoticeable graphics that were on each van.” 

Don said of how he met the customer, “He was actually a contact through my church, all we had to really do was tell them that we were in the sign industry and that we could help them with their future needs.  It just turned out that his need was much more immediate than we had expected.”

“I am finding that what was expressed to us during our validation of the Signworld business model is much truer than we had ever believed it to be, every business needs signage and all you really have to do is ask for the business, which most sign companies don’t do. I can’t begin to tell you how much business we have received since we opened our doors two months ago just by telling people we are in the sign business!” added Don.

Expressing his appreciation for Don and Theresa, Ken Kindt said, “Don and Theresa have been making steady progress in Sign business and have got many new customers in a very short span of time. This speaks volumes of their in-depth understanding of the Sign business and with constant support from the Signworld management they have made considerable progress. I on behalf of Signworld family congratulate Pinnacle Custom Signs for this progress. Keep up the good work.”

Recently, Signworld has opened many new locations across the country. Jack Warner, VP of Signworld says, “Signworld helps people start their own business with all the technology and resources available in the Sign industry. Our team helps the owners tailor their business to meet the demand for sign products and services in their own community.”

About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at www.signworld.org

Friday 4 November 2011

Ken Kindt Signworld - Overview of Sign Business (Part 2)

Ken Kindt Signworld - Overview of Sign business (Part 2): Every month signs change. Staggering amount of business, Vehicle signs, visitor trade show. People look to increase their business and creating more impact with Signs.

Ken Kindt Signworld - Overview of Sign Business

Ken Kindt Signworld - Overview of Sign business: Every month signs change. Staggering amount of business, Vehicle signs, visitor trade show. People look to increase their business and creating more impact with Signs.

Ken Kindt Explains details about Signworld Training Program

Ken Kindt explains about Signworld Training Program. Ken Kindt says that Signworld gives One full month of training that includes one week of training on sign making software, 4 days of business and operation training, 1 day of visit to our major suppliers and 3 days of training at your location

Ken Kindt Signworld Tutorial - Why Become a Signworld Owner

Ken Kindt explains why most Signworld owners join Signworld. Ken Kindt says that in Sign business every project is different. You have full control of your business and the resale value is quite high

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Ken Kindt Introduces New Signworld Owner for Lake Forest Illinois

Laguna Hills, CA – October 28, 2011 -  Ken Kindt, President and Founder of Signworld, and Jack Werner, Vice President of Signworld, would like to congratulate Jim Raubolt, a frachise consultant with Clear Choice Franchising, for the recent placement of Joe Paulsen, a new Signworld Owner in Lake Forest, IL.

Joe Paulsen just completed the initial training program and will soon open the doors to Beacon Sign Solutions. 

According to Ken Kindt, “Joe realized how important small businesses will be in our economic recovery, and that Signworld was uniquely positioned to offer a vital product and service needed by this sector.”

When asked about why Joe Paulsen was a good fit for Signworld, Jim Raubolt said, “As a senior executive with in-depth marketing and consulting experience, Joe knew he could easily communicate the sign and advertising value to his customers.  After getting to know Joe and the high expectations he had, I knew that Signworld would offer him the opportunity to achieve every one of the lifestyle, financial and business goals set by Joe.”

“We are extremely excited to have Joe as a part of the Signworld Family!  He brings a passion for marketing and a strong desire to help his future customers find the right sign solution.  We look forward to working hard and helping Joe and his family achieve the success that they expect out of their new small business.” said Jack Werner.

“We have been planning to increase our foothold in Illinois and the placement of Joe Paulsen as a Signworld owner in Lake Forest is a welcome addition. We thank and congratulate Jim for this effort.” says Ken Kindt.

Praising Jim for being a valuable contributor in expanding the Signworld family, Ken Kindt says, “Clear Choice Franchising has been instrumental in helping individuals determine if becoming a franchise owner is right for them and if so, which one. Their expert team does a thorough evaluation of the concerned candidate and guides them towards enrolling for the franchise that best fits their scheme of things.

“Jim has identified many individuals and guided them to be a part of Signworld family and in turn giving a boost to the Sign industry with quality individuals at the helm of this business.” said Jack Werner.

About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at www.signworld.org

Ken Kindt Of Signworld Congratulate Alan Ginsberg of The Entrepreneur’s Source

Laguna Hills, CA – October 27, 2011 - Ken Kindt, President and Founder of Signworld, and Jack Werner, Vice President of Signworld, would like to congratulate Alan Ginsberg of The Entrepreneur’s Source for his assistance in helping Don and Theresa Conklin and Mike and Sandy Grouf identify Signworld as the right business “vehicle” to help them achieve their small business goals.

“Signworld is a great and proven business model that has stood the test of time. When people are searching for an opportunity that with one investment can build substantial wealth and equity they need to discover Signworld.” says Ken Kindt.

Talking about Signworld business opportunity, Jack Warner said, “One needs to look "under the hood" at any business opportunity and Signworld’s engine presents a great picture. Most of my clients are attracted to Signworld because of the variety of things that are done each day in this business.”

According to Ken Kindt, “This industry has many moving parts, people who are used to the mundane nature of the corporate world that are transitioning to a business opportunity find this type of business very refreshing.  Most importantly, the support networks form the home office and the peer groups of owners simplify the transition.” 

“I noticed from the very beginning that the Conklin’s and the Grouf’s had what it took to be small business owners.  What they needed more than anything was the “plan”, and Signworld offered them the plan but also the flexibility to let them run the business under their own name brand and under their own set of conditions.” said Alan Ginsberg

Ken Kindt and Jack Werner are extremely excited for the hard work put in by Alan Ginsberg, the Grouf’s, the Conklin’s and the Signworld staff to help these two families open the doors to their new businesses.

Pinnacle Custom Signs is now open in Buford, GA and services the Atlanta metro market. Pinnacle Custom Signs provides the expertise to create striking custom signs. Pinnacle team handles everything for a client, including design, production and installation.

Alpine Graphix is now open in Rancho Cucamonga, CA and services most of Southern California. Alpine Graphix are adept in custom cut logos and letters from any material, including aluminum, stainless steel, brass, acrylic, PVC and MDF.

About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at www.signworld.org

Ken Kindt Announces Opening of Two New Signworld Locations

Laguna Hills, CA – October 25, 2011 -  Ken Kindt, President and Founder of Signworld, and Jack Werner, Vice President of Signworld, would like to announce the opening of a few new Signworld locations around the country:

·         Mountain Dog Signs – Owners, Steve and Marshon Kempf, will open the doors to their new sign company in a little less than two weeks in Liberty Lake, WA.  Steve and Marshon are new to the Liberty Lake area and said, “…we felt as though the business model offered by Signworld allowed us to truly immerse ourselves in our new community not only as a small business but also as an organization that participates in the community and helps build it up.” – Steve Kempf

·         Alpine Graphix – Owners, Mike and Sandy Grouf have recently opened the doors to their new business and are already producing incredible signage for their customers.  “With our backgrounds of being the CFO and CEO of a regional demolition company, we felt as though the only way for us to move up was to become the owner of our very own small business.  Signworld allowed us to take advantage of a proven system, but still be able to utilize the previous experience of running someone else’s business without having to fight with the rule book of a franchise,” Mike Grouf. 

"Signworld independent owners are able to launch their new business with the confidence that the Signworld development team is there to get them off to the right start, and then are able to run efficiently with ongoing support as long as they own the business. The success of Signworld independent owners is truly amazing and a testament to the strength of the business model and their passion for the business", says Ken Kindt.

Congratulating the owners of these two new locations, Ken Kindt said, "We congratulate Steve and Marshon Kempf, owners of Mountain Dog Signs as well as Mike and Sandy Grouf, owners of Alpine Graphix on opening up two new Signworld locations. Signworld has established itself as the leader in the no-royalty sign business concept. The ever increasing family of Signworld is a testimony to this fact."

About Signworld
Signworld is a national organization with more than 250 independently owned sign companies, which provide commercial custom signage and graphics. Jack Warner and Ken Kindt lead the Top management at Signworld. It is personable, creative, rewarding and ideal for people-oriented individuals who have the desire to learn how to manage a sales and production business. Signworld affiliates are a cut above traditional sign companies. Ongoing support and training is provided along with state-of-the-art equipment. Signworld business model runs on a no royalty concept.  You can learn more about Signworld at www.signworld.org